Technical Basis
Iodine-125 is a radioisotope of iodine; therefore, available exposure limits for Iodine (CASRN: 7553-56-2) were evaluated for TEEL development. Available iodine exposure limits include: ERPGs, IDLH, TLV-C, and TLV-STEL. Data sources were selected according to the hierarchy listed in Table 3.1. The ERPGs were selected as the TEELs, due to their use priority (Section 1).
Note: The radiological exposure hazard of iodine-125 dominates the inhalation chemical toxicity hazard. Evaluation of the exposure risk of iodine-125 may be more appropriately determined by a domain expert, such as a facility Radiation Safety Officer.
• TEEL-1 = ERPG-1 (iodine, CASRN: 7553-56-2)
• TEEL-2 = ERPG-2 (iodine, CASRN: 7553-56-2)
• TEEL-3 = ERPG-3 (iodine, CASRN: 7553-56-2)
This review generated TEEL values that are consistent with Rev. 29A.