PAC Database - Detailed Chemical Data

Chemical Identity
Chemical CAS# UN# Health Code Numbers
Manganous sulfide; (Manganese(II) sulfide) 18820-29-6

Formula Synonyms
Physical Properties
Mol Wt State MP (°C) BP (°C) VP (Hg) VP (°C) SG LEL (ppm)
87 S 1610 4
PAC Values
PAC Values (Original Units: mg/m3)
4.8 7.9 790
Converted PAC Values (ppm)
1.3 2.2 220
Technical Basis
A review of available sources did not identify exposure limits or acute toxicity data for manganous sulfide. Reported GHS health hazard codes (H317, Category 1; H315 and H319, Category 2; H335, Category 3) for manganous sulfide correspond to an approximate an HHR between 2 and 3 (PAC-3 = TEEL-3 = 790 mg/m3 and TEEL-3= 79 mg/m3, respectively). In addition, analysts evaluated exposure limits of manganese compounds (CASRN: 7439-96-5, IDLH, ceiling limits, STELs, TWAs) for TEEL development. Data sources were selected according to the hierarchy listed in Table 3.1. The 1990 and 1994 IDLH were compared; the 1990 IDLH was derived from the PEL-TWA, while the 1994 IDLH includes animal inhalation acute toxicity data. Considering this, and the estimated TEEL-3 range from reported GHS health hazards, analysts selected the 1994 IDLH as the TEEL-3 basis. The PEL-C was selected as the TEEL-2. The PEL-STEL was selected as the TEEL-1. A compound adjustment factor was applied to 1994 IDLH, PEL-C, and PEL-STEL (Section 3.2.2).
• PAC-1 = TEEL-1 = MW-adjusted PEL-STEL (manganese, CASRN: 7439-96-5; 3 mg/m3)
• PAC-2 = TEEL-2 = MW-adjusted PEL-C (manganese, CASRN: 7439-96-5; 5 mg/m3)
• TEEL-3 = MW-adjusted IDLH (1994, manganese, CASRN: 7439-96-5; 500 mg/m3)
This review generated PAC-2 and PAC-1 values consistent with Rev. 29A and a PAC-3 value inconsistent. The Rev. 29A and current TEEL-2 and TEEL-1 use the same sources and methodologies. The Rev. 29A TEEL-3 was derived from the TEEL-2. The current TEEL-3 basis is a weight adjusted 1994 manganese IDLH, due to its inclusion of inhalation acute toxicity data. The 1994 IDLH was used according to handbook guidelines (Section 4.2-4.3).
Chemical information:
Manganese information:
Manganese IDLH:
Manganese exposure limits:
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