Technical Basis
Nitrous acid is a product of combustion when nitrogen dioxide reacts with water; it only exists in solution. A review of available sources identified no exposure limits or acute toxicity data for this chemical. A review of available sources identified AEGLs for similar chemicals, Nitrogen dioxide (CASRN: 10102-44-0) and Nitric Acid (CASRN: 7697-37-2); of these, nitric acid reports more conservative exposure limits. Considering this, the AEGLs for nitric acid were selected due to their priority among Protective Action Criteria (Section 1).
• PAC-1 = AEGL-1 (Nitric Acid, CASRN: 7697-37-2)
• PAC-2 = AEGL-2 (Nitric Acid, CASRN: 7697-37-2)
• PAC-3 = AEGL-3 (Nitric Acid, CASRN: 7697-37-2)
This review generated PAC values inconsistent with Rev. 29A. The Rev. 29A and current PAC source are consistent; however, Rev. 29A applied a molecular weight adjustment to published AEGLs (ppm). Instead, the current PACs (ppm) are reported without adjustment, according to Section 3.2.2.