Technical Basis
A review of available sources identified a rat oral LD50 that was selected as the TEEL-3 basis and evaluated using factors in Tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. From the review, analysts found that that ferrocyanides (calcium, potassium, and sodium) are “of low order toxicity” due to the strong bond between iron and cyanide. This LD50 is reported as a range (1600-3200 mg/kg), therefore analyst selected to lower limit for conservatism. TEEL-2 and TEEL-1 values were derived according to Table 3.5
• PAC-1 = TEEL-1 = TEEL-2/11
• PAC-2 = TEEL-2 = TEEL-3/6
• PAC-3 = TEEL-3 = Rat oral LD50 (1600-3200 mg/kg)
This review generated PAC values that are inconsistent with Rev. 29A. The Rev. 29A TEEL-3 basis was a weight adjusted 1990 IDLH for cyanides (CASRN: 57-12-5), while the current TEEL-3 is based on acute toxicity data for sodium ferrocyanide. The Rev. 29A and current TEEL-2 use the same methodology, with differences due to the change in TEEL-1. The Rev. 29A TEEL-1 basis was a weight adjusted MAK-TWA for cyanides (CASRN: 57-12-5), while the current TEEL-1 was derived from the TEEL-2 (Table 3.5).
Chemical information:
Rat LD50. Fassett, D. W. (1958) In: Patty, F. A., Industrial hygiene and toxicology, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Vol. II, p. 2036. Retrieved from: