Technical Basis
A review of available sources identified mouse and rat acute toxicity data (LC50, LD50) for tridecane. Data sources were selected according to the hierarchy listed in Table 3.1. Toxicity data were selected according to type of exposure, species, and route according to the hierarchies stated in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and evaluated using factors in Tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. The most preferred route and species toxicity data, a rat LC50, was selected as the TEEL-3 and it was scaled to a 60-minute equivalent using the ten Berge equation (Section 3.3.4). TEEL-2 and TEEL-1 values were derived according to Table 3.5.
• TEEL-1 = TEEL-2/11
• TEEL-2 = TEEL-3/6
• TEEL-3 = Rat LC50 (>41 ppm/8H)
This review generated TEEL-2 and TEEL-1 values inconsistent with Rev. 29A. The Rev. 29A and current TEEL-3 ppm values, source, and methodology are consistent. Minor differences in this value reported in mg/m3 may be due to rounding. The Rev. 29A TEEL-2 basis was a rabbit TDLo not found during the review; instead, it was derived from the TEEL-3 (Table 3.5). The Rev. 29A and current TEEL-1 use the same methodology, with differences due to the change in TEEL-2.