Technical Basis
A review of available sources identified exposure limits (OEL-STEL, OEL-TWAs) for 1,1- dichloropropene. In addition, there are multiple LD50 acute toxicity data available for an isomer (1,2-dichloropropene, CASRN: 563-54-2). Data sources were selected according to the hierarchy listed in Table 3.1. Toxicity data were selected according to type of exposure, species, and route according to the hierarchies stated in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and evaluated using factors in Tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. The most preferred species and route data, a rat oral LD50 for 1,2-dichloropropene (CASRN: 563-54-2), was selected as the TEEL-3 basis. The OEL-STEL (Denmark) was selected as the TEEL-1. TEEL-2 value was derived according to Table 3.5.
• PAC-1 = TEEL-1 = OEL-STEL (Denmark, 10 mg/m3)
• PAC-2 = TEEL-2 = TEEL-3/6
• PAC-3 = TEEL-3 = Rat oral LD50 (1,2-dichloropropene, CASRN: 563-54-2; 2 g/kg => 2000 mg/kg)
This review generated PAC values that are inconsistent with Rev. 29A. While the Rev. 29A and current TEEL-3 and TEEL-2 bases remain consistent, minor differences in values may be due to rounding. In Rev. 29A, the TEEL-1 was derived from the TEEL-2 (Table 3.5); however, this review found and used an exposure limit, OEL-STEL (Denmark) as the TEEL-1.
Chemical information:
Rat oral LD50 (1,2-dichloropropene, CASRN: 563-54-2): Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 1125. Retrieved from: